Saturday 8th June
10:00am - 12:00pm
Loup Yoga Studio
In this workshop Louise will guide you through the mechanics of crow pose, teaching you all her tips and tricks. If you’re new to crow pose, Louise will make sure you feel perfectly aligned to work towards getting in the air. If you have already mastered balancing in crow, Louise will take you through more advanced variations and how you can weave these into your yoga classes.
You will then move on to exploring headstand, discovering different variations and the many ways you can practice headstand. Many people are understandably afraid to go upside down, so Louise will show you fantastic ways to practice your headstand safely.
After unpicking and exploring crow and headstand individually, Louise will show you the journey of transitioning from your crow straight into headstand. Even if this doesn’t feel attainable for you in the moment, knowing the trajectory of a consistent practice can feel very motivating and inspiring.
The workshop will close with a flow to weave in all your new learnings, and a lovely restful relaxation with a long savasana.
Everyone is welcome at this workshop, even if you’ve never attempted crow or headstand before. You can do it!
All yoga equipment is provided.
£30 per person.