free palestine

free palestine




We know it’s easier to look away. We know it’s easier to try to forget. However, in the end, there can be no peace within ourselves and our collective if we turn away from the atrocities being committed against civilians and children right now, today. We can say it’s out of our control, that there’s suffering all over the world. Yes, there is. But we do have a choice. We can decide to go to sleep and pretend it’s not happening, or we can decide to wake up and open our hearts to the terror the Palestinian people are facing. If we can stand together, we will generate more power to help end this.

Please join us either online via Zoom or at Loup Studio on Thursday 12th September from 7:30-9:00pm

Tickets cost £25 but if you are able to give more please choose one of the higher ticket prices.

(If you are unable to attend but feel called to donate, please book a zoom spot to contribute or donate directly from one of the links below)

This event is to raise money for the people of Palestine. All the money will go directly to:

UNICEF - Children in Gaza Crisis Appeal

A percentage of the funds raised will go to some of the families we know directly in Palestine. You can read some of their stories here:

Yasmeen’s Family

Aseel’s Family

Louise, Mona and Sam will lead you through practices that hold those suffering in our hearts. To create time and space in our busy lives to really acknowledge the tragedy that they are navigating, and to pray for them all.

Meditation by Mona

Movement by Louise

Sound by Sam


We are approaching 11 months of Genocide in Gaza.

The horror of the scenes we have seen from the 7th October up until now necessitate that some community action is taken. Many of us have done our best and tried to contribute in the most useful ways we know how, but now we believe we must come together and use the tools we have to show our solidarity with the people being displaced, orphaned and killed during this war.

It feels deeply uncomfortable to be in such a place pf privilege when so much human suffering is going on around us, from Sudan to Gaza and beyond.

The yoga community, whose duty it is to walk the path towards truth and freedom, cannot and must not stay silent when witnessing the destruction of families, children, civilians. The displacement encompasses everyone is Gaza, the children within Palestine are living through the most traumatic experience imaginable. No where is safe and the entire population is at risk of famine.

Israel’s military is killing Palestinians at an average rate of 250 people a day which exceeds the daily death toll of any other major conflict of recent years.

This event is not standing against any victims or any civilians from Israel. We believe it is so important to stand with the Jewish community and say NO to this continued Genocide on the people of Palestine. It is not to diminish the atrocities of 7th October. There is no prejudice involved here - it is simply the necessity to stand for anyone, of any race, culture, community or religion, who is being brutally and relentlessly attacked.


We so hope that you can join us for this evening of solidarity and support for the people of Gaza. If you have any questions, please let us know here.